Hilda Desenberg invited us to meet at the clubhouse at Covered Bridge Estates in Ellenton. She was a delightful hostess!
As guests arrived, they were greeted by Archie, chapter president, and Hilda, hostess. Many were decked out in beautiful Chinese outfits. We had time to chat and get to know one another better.
Duane picked up our lunch from King's Wok and brought it to the clubhouse. We all highly recommend this Chinese restaurant next to KMart across from the Ellenton Outlet Mall. We enjoyed our food, talked and laughed. Instructions for the upcoming auction were given; everyone was given a preview of the items to be auctioned.

Everyone won at least one item and back we went back to making dumplings.
Hilda added our creations to boiling water and patiently added 1/2 cup cold water THREE TIMES and awaited a return to boiling each time.
A collection was taken up and offered to Hilda to defray the cost of her ingredients. She declined and gave us the money for our chapter treasury. Thanks again, Hilda!
Archie had prepared a brief presentation about various Chinese holidays. Time was running short so he opted to send this out to the members via email.
Everyone pitched in to take down decorations, return the table and chairs to storage, and generally return the clubhouse to its original state. How easy clean-up is when everyone helps! Thanks!
President Archie announced that next month's meeting will be hosted at The Alinari by Jill and Duane. We all hope you will be well by then, Jill. We missed you.
NOTE: We missed those of you who were unable to attend. Be sure to mark the third Sunday through May and save those dates for USCPFA.